

发布日期:2024-05-27 19:00    点击次数:55


Electricity of Love: League of Legends

Mingya is a high school student who loves playing computer games. She always plays League of Legends (LoL) after school. One day, she encounters seven young people who are passionate about the game. They share the same love for it and quickly form a team. As they practice and compete, Mingya realizes that she has fallen in love with one of her teammates, Wenjun.

The Team's First Victory

The team is preparing for their first tournament. Although they are nervous, they have faith in each other. In the final, they win and qualify for the next level. The team is overjoyed and relieved.

A Touch of Romance

Mingya and Wenjun start dating. They are happy and support each other in the game and in life. However, as they continue playing together, disagreements and misunderstandings arise. Mingya feels that Wenjun is becoming too bossy and controlling. Wenjun feels Mingya is not taking the game seriously enough.

A Second Chance

The team reaches the semifinals, but they lose. Mingya and Wenjun realize that they need to resolve their issues if they want to succeed in the next tournament. They have a heart-to-heart conversation and make up. They also discuss strategies to improve their gameplay. They train hard and make it to the finals.

True Love and Victory

In the final game, the team is tied with their opponents. Mingya has the chance to make the winning move. Wenjun suggests a strategy, but Mingya decides to go with her own instincts. She takes a risk and it pays off. The team wins the game and the tournament. In the end, Mingya and Wenjun realize that their love for each other and for the game has brought them to the top.

A New Beginning

After the tournament, the team receives offers from professional gaming teams. They are excited about the opportunities but feel hesitant about leaving their school and each other. Mingya and Wenjun decide to continue playing together in college and beyond. They promise to always support each other, on and off the gaming arena.

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